Tenco Insights

Powerful analytics that put you in control of your building

Tenco Insights Reports

Actionable Intelligence

Arm owners and facility managers to:

  1. achieve meaningful savings

  2. validate utility bills

  3. measure sustainability projects

Receive scheduled reports directly to your inbox

How it Works

Tenco Insights connects you to a wide range of existing data points within your facility to provide targeted reporting. Reporting on electricity consumption analytics to assist with green building compliance, loss management and forecasting.

Facilities managers and building owners use Tenco insights reporting to quickly identify and remedy issues that would otherwise only be apparent after a shock invoice is received.

Existing Tenco clients simply need to request access to reporting using the form below.

Streamlined Reporting

Receive regular reports that are relevant and actionable. Reports available include;

Consumption Report

A powerful report enabling to you review consumption for the prior month providing key statistics including a comparison with the other time frames. It highlights maximum demand, low power factor events and provides a breakdown of consumption by select time periods.

Electricity Performance Report

This report provides monthly consumption values for the prior month and includes up to 24 months (where we have this quantity of data in the system) with key performance indicators.

Monthly Performance Report

This report is designed to be run for the prior month and will provide key statistics giving consideration to weekdays, weekends and public holidays. It also provides a quick snapshot of every week in the month to enable quick identification of any performance issues or overconsumption.

Heat Map Report

Retrieves hourly-average resource use for an average week over the prior month and presents the data as a heat map. Use this report to visually identify anomalies and patterns of unexpected resource use.

Subscribe to a Tenco Insights Report

If you are an existing Tenco client, simply use the form below to create a subscription or modify an existing one.

If you are a building owner or manager, body corporate member or developer, contact us for a free desktop assessment.